Song of the Turtle Dove

Where has time gone? It was only yesterday when I grasped little fingers in mine to take a spring stroll. Flowers were in bloom and birds of all sorts singing and this heart was bursting for there is no greater gift than shaping little lives as they grow. It was then I heard it. The call that has pierced this spirit through since a baby and I wanted them to hear it too. Only there was so much noise, so many songs being sung that their ears couldn’t hear that one distinct sound in the middle of all the muddle. So we practiced. I would hear the turtle dove’s song and sing it back to them that lonesome call seeming to say “come with me come…come” and they would try their best to hear it. To see ears straining and eyes watching undid this mom’s soul because it’s hard and it’s exhilarating all wrapped in one to watch the ones you love try and fail and try again. But then they heard it!!! And oh to the heights of heaven we all did soar and the rest of the walk was all about listening and hearing and listening again.

And isn’t that the way it is with our Father? The voices around us are loud and they clamor for our attention and before we know it everything is as clear as mud and we are stumbling blind. This journey to healing has been full of noise. So much to process with all the opinions and there are so many things I could do or try or buy and it has left this girl spinning in circles and far too often over budget and landed in the department store of despair.

I was out walking a few weeks ago thinking back to that jaunt with my little sweet ones when I spotted a turtle dove bursting into song. I found myself crying out to God that I wanted to hear His voice over all the din…I wanted to do what He was telling me, nothing more nothing less. I wanted His voice to be so distinct that I could not miss it.  And I’ve found that the first step in hearing is asking. So I kept asking…and asking…and asking how to best aid this frail body in healing. Then sitting still to listen. Listening while the Word washed over me, listening as dear friends gave their thoughts, listening as I washed dishes and tears mixed with the water and slowly I began to hear Him whisper ever sweetly to my heart because peace is always the measure of His Words above all others.

And so the journey to detox from sugar began. Really I’ve tried it before and always fell off the wagon but this time has been different for courage comes when you know you are being led by the One who holds all the strength you need. But I would be lying to say there hasn’t been sweet cravings so this smoothie has been a lifesaver for me especially when my family pulls out the milk shakes and evening desserts. Also it is low in calories but very filling which has helped with the never ending hunger pains prednisone provides. Above all though, each day I spin up this yummy treat I’m reminded that God longs to speak to His children and if we ask and listen He will show up with words of life. And when He does whisper, or shout or sing…as Ann Voskamp says “Do what HE tells you.” It may not always make sense to the crowd but the peace that comes from listening and obeying is priceless.


Chocolate Banana Smoothie

1 banana

1 TBL cocoa powder

1 TBL natural peanut butter no sugar

1 cup ice

1/4 cup water (or more if needed)

1 tsp. vanilla

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